Student Counselling Cell
To help the students solve their personal, educational, social, and psychological problems and create awareness about issues related to a student’s mental health.
About Wiztoonz Student Counselling Cell
Counselling is a process that aims to facilitate the students’ well-being through the support and guidance for a healthy mind and body. To address and help resolve the emotional and psychological issues of the student community of Wiztoonz, the college has initiated the “Counselling Cell”.
The Counselling Cell encourages the students to understand themselves and the issues that trouble them and guides them to resolve their problems. These problems can be personal, emotional, social, family, peer, academic etc. Counselling aims to facilitate positive behaviour changes, improve the student’s ability to establish and maintain relationships socially, promote their decision-making process, helping the student to understand their potential and cope effectively with the problems they face.
Wiztoonz students who are looking for help/support can contact the Academics Manager directly.